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"Better diet tied to fewer deaths after heart attack, study finds..."

Over 20 years ago, Dean Ornish showed in a short-term controlled trial that it is possible to reverse atherosclerosis without statins with lifestyle change, including a low fat plant based diet. Subsequently, the Lyons Diet Heart Study showed in a controlled trial, with a Mediterranean Diet that it was possible to dramatically reduce all cause mortality after a heart attack with or without statins. From these studies and others, we can confidently conclude that even small changes in the dietary habits and lifestyle can lead to big changes in health and wellbeing, without the use of statins. The same changes are also known to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure." (Dietitians of Canada)

As Dietitians, we help people improve their HEART HEALTH, PROTECT THEIR HEART, REDUCE THEIR RISK FOR DEVELOPING DIABETES, TREAT DIABETES, TREAT DYSLIPIDEMIA AND REVERSE ATHEROSCLEROSIS using food (the natural medicine) and exercise - AND MANY CAN EVEN SAY GOOD BYE TO THEIR HEART MEDS FOR GOOD! (Although NEVER stop taking your medications without the go-ahead from your physician.)

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